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Essay on Environmental Issues | Environmental Issues Esssay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Environmental Issues: Environmental issues are a matter of concern these days. With the rise of pollution levels and depletion of the ozone layer, all the countries in the world are concerned about the environment. This is mainly because environmental degradation threatens the existence of humankind. Previously, no one even bothered to care about the environment. People were careless about their surroundings. But now, with rising awareness, some of them have become more cautious.

The most significant environmental issues of today are global warming and climate change. Very recently, the effect of climate change was discussed at the United Nations. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, is currently working in the field of climate change. She is making people aware of its implications on human life. We have written two sample essays here on the topic for the benefit of students in their exams.

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Long and Short Essays on Environmental Issues for Students and Kids in English

Here we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.

Long Essay on Environmental Issues 500 words in English

Environmental Issues essay is best suited for classes 7,8,9,10 for their exams.

Environmental issues were not a matter of concern in the years gone by. People were not aware of the grave implications of environmental degradation. Lack of awareness leads to more damage to the environment. With the rise of the internet, everyone is aware of environmental issues today. Not all of them understand the deeper meaning of each one of those issues. However, given the state of the earth, people realize that all is not well.

There is a way in which every person cares for the environment. Some people respect it. Some try to nurture it. The crucial issues related to the situation today are mainly global warming, greenhouse effect, and climate change. Global warming is the increase in temperature of the earth due to the overconsumption of resources. It leads to other environmental issues like changes in temperature, soil erosion, and abnormal rainfall. Global warming can be tackled through control of pollution levels, lower vehicular emissions, and a person’s carbon footprint.

The green-house effect is named after the greenhouse arrangement. Such an arrangement is usually made for the growth of plants. It consists of a non-permanent structure with sturdy enclosures. The green-house effect refers to the rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We all know that human beings take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Similarly, plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Rapid deforestation leads to a reduction in the number of trees and plants in the environment. Therefore there are very few plants to take in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We must remember that humans are not the only source of carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through factories too. There are other reasons for the emission of carbon dioxide into the air. This carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere if not taken in by the trees. Excess carbon dioxide can lead to breathing problems and other medical problems in the future. Greenhouse gases constitute not only carbon dioxide but other harmful gasses like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These gases are released into the atmosphere through the various chemical plants. The best way to minimize the effect of green-house gases is afforestation programs.

Already a large number of afforestation programs have been taken up by the Governments of various countries. Social forestry programs and community forestry programs can also help in rapid afforestation. Also, to check the spread of harmful gases in the atmosphere, environmental laws can be made more potent and effective. Climate change is a relatively new environmental issue. There is already a large number of researches going on concerning climate change.

The definition of climate change makes it clear that climate change affects human lives slowly. This includes a change in climatic patterns and behavior that can affect the human settlement. Climate change is a problem that has both the elements of global warming and the greenhouse effect. It is expected to cause massive scale displacement in the coming years.

Essay about Environmental issues

Short Essay on Environmental Issues 150 words in English

Environmental Issues essay is best suited for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for their exams.

Environmental issues are not given much importance in most countries. A few exceptions are countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, which gives equal importance to environmental problems. The present state of the earth requires each one of us to take the environment and issues related to it seriously. Most of us, however, do not do so. This is because the results of environmental damage are often not felt by us. These results are usually small in magnitude. An Environmental Essay is a commonly asked topic in most exams. It is meant to gauge the awareness of the candidates about the various environmental issues and their repercussions.

The effects of environmental degradation can be harmful and longstanding after a point of time. The negligence of the environment can be traced through our practices. Even with rising levels of pollution, erratic rainfall, and erosion of the topsoil, none of us are bothered. The efficacy of a country’s environmental protection law reflects that country’s attitude towards the environment.

For instance, in most African countries, laws related to the environment are feeble. In comparison to that in most Scandinavian countries have robust environmental laws. The major environmental issues of the world today are global warming, green-house effect, and climate change. The reasons behind the problems are mostly related to the grave amount of neglect and intolerance of humans towards the environment.

10 Lines on Environmental Issues Essay in English

  • Environmental issues are a matter of concern these days.
  • With rising awareness, some of them have become more cautious about the environment.
  • Environmental issues were not a matter of concern in the years gone by.
  • People were not aware of the grave implications of environmental degradation.
  • The most significant environmental issues of today are global warming, climate change, and the greenhouse effect.
  • Global warming leads to other environmental issues like changes in temperature, soil erosion, and abnormal rainfall.
  • Global warming can be tackled through control of the pollution level.
  • The best way to minimize the effect of green-house gases is afforestation programs.
  • Climate change is a relatively new environmental issue.
  • There is already a large number of researches going on with climate change.

FAQ’s on Environmental Issues Essay

Question 1. How can climate change affect human habitat?

Answer: Climate change can bring about changes in climate patterns bringing about direct change in the human habitat.

Question 2. What is the best way to control the green-house effect in India?

Answer: Since India is a vast country, community forestry can minimize the effect of greenhouse gases.

Question 3. Why are humans nonchalant about environmental issues?

Answer: Since the impact of environmental degradation has not been compelling, yet people continue to be ignorant of the matter.

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119 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

The environment is facing numerous challenges today, and it is important for us to address these issues in order to create a sustainable future for our planet. In this article, we will explore 119 environmental issues essay topic ideas and provide examples to help you get started on your own essay.

  • Climate change: Discuss the causes and effects of climate change and potential solutions to mitigate its impact.

Example: The role of deforestation in contributing to climate change and the importance of reforestation efforts.

  • Air pollution: Analyze the sources of air pollution and its effects on human health and the environment.

Example: The impact of vehicle emissions on air quality in urban areas and ways to reduce pollution from transportation.

  • Water pollution: Examine the sources of water pollution and the potential consequences for aquatic ecosystems and human health.

Example: The effects of agricultural runoff on water quality and strategies to prevent pollution from entering waterways.

  • Deforestation: Discuss the causes and consequences of deforestation and the importance of preserving forests for biodiversity and climate regulation.

Example: The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and the loss of traditional knowledge and cultural practices.

  • Plastic pollution: Explore the sources and effects of plastic pollution in the ocean and ways to reduce plastic waste.

Example: The role of microplastics in marine ecosystems and the need for regulations to prevent further pollution.

  • Biodiversity loss: Analyze the factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity and the importance of protecting endangered species.

Example: The impact of habitat destruction on wildlife populations and the need for conservation efforts to preserve biodiversity.

  • Overfishing: Discuss the consequences of overfishing on marine ecosystems and sustainable fishing practices.

Example: The decline of fish stocks due to overfishing and the importance of implementing fishing quotas and marine protected areas.

  • E-waste: Examine the growing problem of electronic waste and the environmental and health risks associated with improper disposal.

Example: The challenges of recycling electronic devices and the need for better e-waste management practices.

  • Urban sprawl: Analyze the impact of urban sprawl on natural habitats and the importance of smart growth and sustainable urban planning.

Example: The loss of green spaces and farmland to urban development and the benefits of compact, walkable communities.

  • Renewable energy: Discuss the potential of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Example: The growth of solar and wind power as clean energy alternatives and the challenges of integrating renewables into the grid.

  • Ocean acidification: Explore the causes and consequences of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and the need for carbon emission reductions.

Example: The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and shellfish populations and the importance of marine conservation efforts.

  • Soil erosion: Analyze the causes of soil erosion and the impact on agricultural productivity and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of topsoil due to deforestation and unsustainable farming practices and strategies to prevent erosion through soil conservation.

  • Wildlife trafficking: Discuss the illegal trade of wildlife and the threats to endangered species and biodiversity.

Example: The demand for exotic pets and animal products driving the illegal wildlife trade and the need for stronger enforcement of wildlife protection laws.

  • Pesticide use: Examine the environmental and health risks associated with pesticide use in agriculture and the need for sustainable pest management practices.

Example: The impact of pesticide runoff on water quality and non-target species and the benefits of organic farming methods.

  • Food waste: Analyze the causes and consequences of food waste and potential solutions to reduce waste and improve food security.

Example: The environmental footprint of food production and distribution and the benefits of composting and food rescue programs.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions: Discuss the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and the need for global action to reduce carbon pollution.

Example: The role of the transportation sector in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the potential for electrification and public transit to reduce emissions.

  • Climate refugees: Explore the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and the need for adaptation and resilience measures.

Example: The displacement of communities due to sea-level rise and extreme weather events and the challenges of climate migration.

  • Land degradation: Analyze the causes of land degradation and the consequences for food security, water quality, and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of arable land to desertification and soil erosion and the importance of sustainable land management practices.

  • Ocean pollution: Discuss the sources of ocean pollution, including plastic waste, oil spills, and chemical contaminants, and the need for marine conservation.

Example: The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems and the challenges of cleaning up and restoring affected areas.

  • Environmental justice: Explore the intersection of environmental issues with social justice and equity, including the disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities.

Example: The siting of polluting industries in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color and the need for environmental policies that prioritize equity and inclusion.

  • Green infrastructure: Discuss

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Natural Environment — Importance of Protecting the Environment


Importance of Protecting The Environment

  • Categories: Climate Change Natural Environment

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Words: 647 |

Published: Jan 31, 2024

Words: 647 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, argument 1: importance of protecting the environment, argument 2: individual and collective responsibility, counterargument: technological advancements as a solution.

  • Overview of the argument that prioritizes economic development over environmental protection
  • Examination of the potential economic opportunities offered by eco-friendly initiatives
  • Explanation of the long-term benefits of investing in sustainable practices
  • Discussion on the role of individuals in contributing to environmental degradation
  • Examination of the responsibility of governments and corporations
  • Explanation of the need for widespread awareness and action
  • Overview of the argument that technological advancements alone can solve environmental issues
  • Evaluation of the limitations and risks associated with relying solely on technology
  • Emphasis on the importance of a comprehensive approach involving behavioral changes and technological innovations
  • Restatement of thesis statement
  • Summary of main arguments and counterarguments
  • Call to action and final thoughts
  • World Health Organization. Ambient air pollution : Health impacts. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ambient-(outdoor)-air-quality-and-health

Image of Alex Wood

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130+ Environmental Essay Topics That Will Earn You High Grades

Updated 20 Jun 2024

Environmental issues are as relevant as ever, so there is a high chance that your teacher or instructor might assign you a paper on the topic. However, choosing a unique and interesting topic on the subject is rather hard, as a lot of environmental essay topics have been explored over and over again.

Selecting impactful environmental essay topics is crucial, and if you're struggling, you might consider a service to write my essay , ensuring thorough research and a strong argument. Fortunately for you, we’re here to help you with this problem. Take a look at some of the most relevant and timely environmental issues essay topics you can explore to get a high grade on your assignment.

Environmental Essay Topics

Popular Environmental Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Global Ecosystems.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Footprint.
  • Ocean Acidification and Its Effects on Marine Life.
  • The Consequences of Deforestation on Biodiversity.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Environmental Impacts.
  • The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste and Its Disposal.
  • The Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment.
  • The Importance of Water Conservation in the Face of Global Water Scarcity.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Health and Biodiversity.
  • Plastic Pollution in Oceans: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions.
  • The Role of Green Technology in Sustainable Development.
  • The Environmental and Health Risks of Fracking.
  • The Challenges of Wildlife Conservation in the 21st Century.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Ocean Ecosystems.
  • The Relationship Between Environmental Policies and Climate Change Mitigation.

Climate Change Essay Titles

Climate change is one of the most talked-about environmental issues. This makes it a great theme for an essay, as there are a lot of resources available to pull information from. Here are some of the environment essay topics from our essay service that relate to the current state of the climate change discussion:

  • Unraveling the Complexities of Climate Change: Causes and Consequences.
  • The Global Impact of Rising Sea Levels: A Climate Change Perspective.
  • Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: Understanding the Link.
  • The Role of Human Activities in Accelerating Climate Change.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Strategies and Challenges.
  • The Economic Implications of Climate Change on Global Markets.
  • Adapting to Climate Change: Solutions for a Sustainable Future.
  • The Polar Ice Meltdown: Indicators and Impacts of Climate Change.
  • Climate Change and Food Security: A Growing Global Concern.
  • Renewable Energy as a Key Solution to Climate Change.
  • The Social and Environmental Justice Issues of Climate Change.
  • Climate Change Education: Raising Awareness and Inspiring Action.
  • The Health Risks Associated with Climate Change.
  • Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss: The Intertwined Challenges.
  • The Paris Agreement: Assessing Global Efforts in Combating Climate Change.

Ecology Essay Topics

Ecology is an established branch of science that studies the relationships between living organisms and the environment they live in. So, questions about the environment are inevitably related to ecology as well. Some of the topics relevant to ecology you can choose from are:

  • The Role of Keystone Species in Ecosystem Stability.
  • The Impact of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity.
  • Coral Reefs: Ecological Importance and Threats.
  • The Effects of Urbanization on Local Ecosystems.
  • The Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience.
  • Wetlands Ecology: Importance and Conservation Challenges.
  • The Ecological Consequences of Deforestation in the Amazon.
  • The Role of Pollinators in Ecosystem Health.
  • Marine Ecosystems: Human Impacts and Conservation Strategies.
  • The Dynamics of Predator-Prey Relationships in Ecosystems.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Alpine Ecosystems.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Ecological Approaches to Farming.
  • The Role of Microorganisms in Soil Health and Fertility.
  • The Ecological Impacts of Plastic Pollution.
  • The Importance of Mangroves in Coastal Ecosystems.

Global Warming Topics

  • The Science Behind Global Warming: Understanding the Greenhouse Effect.
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Polar Ice Caps and Sea Levels.
  • Global Warming and Its Effects on Weather Patterns and Extreme Events.
  • The Role of Fossil Fuels in Accelerating Global Warming.
  • Strategies for Reducing Carbon Emissions to Mitigate Global Warming.
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture and Food Security.
  • Global Warming and Ocean Acidification: Effects on Marine Ecosystems.
  • The Health Risks Associated with Increasing Global Temperatures.
  • The Economic Costs of Global Warming: Predictions and Preparations.
  • Renewable Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming.
  • The Role of Deforestation in Contributing to Global Warming.
  • Global Warming and Its Impact on Biodiversity and Wildlife.
  • The Politics of Global Warming: International Agreements and Policies.
  • Public Perception and Awareness of Global Warming Issues.
  • The Future of Global Warming: Predictions and Scenarios.

Environmental Science Essay Topics

Environmental science is specifically dedicated to solving environmental issues. If you choose from this list, you will pick a problem solution topic, which will make you seem more pragmatic:

  • The Role of Environmental Science in Sustainable Development.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Air Pollution on Urban Health.
  • The Importance of Conservation Biology in Preserving Biodiversity.
  • The Effects of Acid Rain on Forest Ecosystems and Wildlife.
  • The Challenges of Managing and Reducing Urban Waste.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion and Land Degradation.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Potential and Limitations.
  • The Role of Environmental Policy in Shaping Sustainable Cities.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Resources.
  • The Relationship Between Human Health and Environmental Toxins.
  • The Ecological Footprint of Consumerism and Waste.
  • The Science of Restoring Degraded Ecosystems.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Marine Biodiversity.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Fostering Sustainable Practices.
  • The Impact of Industrialization on Natural Habitats and Species.

Sustainability Topics for Essays

Sustainability is a critical topic about the environment conservation. It plays a major role in our society, especially in the discussions around big corporations and manufacturers. Some of the topics related to the issue are:

  • The Principles of Sustainable Development: Balancing Economic, Social, and Environmental Goals.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Achieving Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Practices and Impacts on Food Security.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Urban Planning and Development.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Integrating Sustainability into Business Practices.
  • The Importance of Biodiversity for Sustainable Ecosystems.
  • Sustainable Transportation: Reducing Carbon Emissions and Environmental Impact.
  • The Impact of Sustainable Practices on Global Climate Change.
  • Water Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Management of Water Resources.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Environmental Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Fashion: Addressing the Environmental Impact of the Textile Industry.
  • The Economics of Sustainability: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sustainable Practices.
  • Community-Based Approaches to Sustainable Development.
  • The Importance of Education in Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles.
  • Zero-Waste Lifestyle: Practices and Implications for Sustainability.

Nature and Environment Essay Topics

Some of the essay topics you can choose to focus on nature itself, its dynamics, and interesting facts about it. Some of the themes you can discuss are:

  • The Role of Forests in Maintaining Environmental Balance.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Habitats.
  • Ocean Conservation: Preserving Marine Biodiversity.
  • The Effects of Human Activities on Wildlife and Natural Ecosystems.
  • The Importance of Protecting Endangered Species.
  • The Relationship Between Nature and Human Well-being.
  • The Ecological Significance of Wetlands.
  • The Consequences of Melting Glaciers for Global Ecosystems.
  • The Role of National Parks in Wildlife Conservation.
  • The Impact of Pollution on Rivers and Lakes.
  • The Importance of Sustainable Land Use in Preserving Natural Resources.
  • The Effects of Deforestation on the Environment and Climate.
  • The Role of Bees and Other Pollinators in Ecosystem Health.
  • The Impact of Urbanization on Natural Landscapes.
  • The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Conservation.

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Environmental Argumentative Essay Topics

If you want to spark a discussion around the subject, these essay topics will definitely help you:

  • Should Governments Implement Stricter Regulations to Combat Climate Change?
  • The Necessity of a Global Ban on Single-Use Plastics.
  • Is Nuclear Energy a Safe and Sustainable Option for the Future?
  • Should Carbon Emissions Be Taxed to Encourage Reduction?
  • The Effectiveness of International Agreements in Addressing Global Warming.
  • Is Organic Farming a Viable Solution for Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Should Public Transportation Be Subsidized to Reduce Environmental Impact?
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Environmental Research.
  • Can Technological Innovations Alone Solve the Climate Crisis?
  • The Role of Individual Actions vs. Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Conservation.
  • Should There Be More Incentives for Using Renewable Energy Sources?
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment: Should There Be More Regulation?
  • Is Mandatory Recycling an Effective Strategy for Waste Reduction?
  • Should Offshore Drilling Be Banned to Protect Marine Ecosystems?
  • The Debate Over the True Sustainability of Biofuels.

Environmental Issues Essay Topics

  • The Global Water Crisis: Causes, Effects, and Solutions.
  • Air Pollution: Understanding Its Impact and Exploring Solutions.
  • The Threat of Deforestation to Biodiversity and Climate.
  • The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste: Challenges and Management Strategies.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Pesticides on the Environment and Human Health.
  • Climate Change: Understanding Its Causes and Addressing Its Effects.
  • The Loss of Coral Reefs: Causes, Consequences, and Conservation Efforts.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Environmental Impact.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Waste Management in Urban Areas.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
  • Soil Erosion and Degradation: Causes and Prevention Strategies.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Mitigating Environmental Issues.
  • The Impact of Tourism on Natural Environments and Local Communities.
  • The Challenge of Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Conservation.

Environmental Law Topics

Fortunately, we as a society have started to care more about the environment, you can even often see environment conservation as one of the social issue essay topics. This is why there is more and more legislation around the subject. You can choose one of these topics as a theme for your essay:

  • The Effectiveness of International Environmental Treaties in Combating Climate Change.
  • The Legal Implications of Carbon Emission Trading Schemes.
  • The Role of Environmental Laws in Protecting Endangered Species.
  • Legal Challenges in Enforcing Marine Pollution Regulations.
  • The Impact of Environmental Laws on Sustainable Urban Development.
  • The Legal Framework for Managing Electronic Waste.
  • The Enforcement of Clean Air Acts and Their Impact on Air Quality.
  • Legal Strategies for Water Conservation and Management.
  • The Role of Environmental Impact Assessments in Project Development.
  • The Legalities of Deforestation and Land Use Regulations.
  • The Intersection of Environmental Law and Human Rights.
  • Legal Approaches to Managing Plastic Pollution and Single-Use Plastics.
  • The Regulation of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Waste.
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Renewable Energy Implementation.
  • The Challenges of Enforcing International Wildlife Trafficking Laws.

Human Impact on the Environment Essay Topics

  • The Effects of Urbanization on Natural Habitats and Biodiversity.
  • Human Contributions to Climate Change: Causes and Solutions.
  • The Environmental Impact of Plastic Consumption and Waste.
  • Deforestation: Human Activities and Their Consequences on Forests.
  • The Role of Agriculture in Soil Degradation and Erosion.
  • The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Air, Water, and Soil Quality.
  • Overfishing: Human Practices and Their Effects on Marine Life.
  • The Consequences of Unsustainable Mining Practices.
  • Human-Induced Natural Disasters: A Study of Land Degradation and Erosion.
  • The Environmental Footprint of the Fashion Industry.
  • The Effects of Human Population Growth on Wildlife and Natural Resources.
  • The Impact of Transportation on Air Pollution and Climate Change.
  • Waste Management: Human Challenges and Environmental Effects.
  • The Role of Consumerism in Global Environmental Degradation.
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Environmental Sustainability.

Technology Saving Environment Essay Topics

  • The Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Reducing Carbon Emissions.
  • Innovations in Water Purification and Conservation Technologies.
  • The Impact of Electric Vehicles on Reducing Air Pollution.
  • Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Sustainable Urban Development.
  • The Use of Drones in Wildlife Monitoring and Conservation.
  • Solar Power Advancements and Their Role in Sustainable Energy.
  • Green Building Technologies and Their Impact on the Environment.
  • The Potential of Biotechnology in Environmental Cleanup.
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency.
  • Technological Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture Practices.
  • The Use of Big Data in Environmental Monitoring and Protection.
  • The Contribution of 3D Printing to Waste Reduction.
  • The Impact of IoT (Internet of Things) on Resource Management.
  • Advancements in Battery Technology for Renewable Energy Storage.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Recycling and Waste Management.

Environmental Essay Topics for College Students

  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Current Climate Change Policies.
  • The Role of Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation.
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Sustainable Alternatives.
  • The Challenges of Implementing Green Energy Solutions Globally.
  • Urban Green Spaces: Their Importance and Impact on City Dwellers.
  • The Environmental Consequences of the Meat Industry.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Shaping Sustainable Behaviors.
  • The Ethics and Implications of Geoengineering as a Response to Climate Change.
  • The Impact of Tourism on Natural Ecosystems and Local Communities.
  • The Relationship Between Economic Development and Environmental Degradation.
  • The Future of Sustainable Transportation and Urban Mobility.
  • The Role of Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Sustainability.
  • The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries.
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Waste Management in Developing Countries.
  • The Influence of Consumer Behavior on Environmental Sustainability.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, we’ve helped you to make the first step – to choose one of the relevant environmental essay topics. We can also help you make the next step as well. Contact our writing service right now, and we’ll assist you with creating a 100% unique text from one of our professional writers of your choosing.

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  • Environmental Issue Essay


Essay on Environmental Issue

Environment is the surrounding of an Organism. This Environment in which an Organism lives is made up of various components like Air, Water, Land, etc. These components are found in fixed proportions to create a Harmonious Balance in the Environment for the Organism to live in. Any kind of undesirable and wanted change in the proportions of these components can be termed as Pollution. This Issue is increasing with every passing year. It is an Issue that troubles Economically, Physically and Socially. The Environmental problem that is worsening with each day needs to be addressed so that its harmful effects on Humans as well as the planet can be redressed. 

Environmental Issue

Our green world is now in Jeopardy. Humans depleted Natural Resources by polluting Water, Soil, and Air. We must tackle the challenges we have created by opening our eyes. The Environment has been profoundly impacted by Industrial Growth. People emit more Pollution for more convenience. Human actions have an impact on the Environment, both directly and indirectly. As a result, there is a symbiotic link between a creature and its surroundings. Let’s discuss some major Issues our Environment Issues which our Environment is facing nowadays:

Global Warming:

Foremost symptom of natural imbalance is Global Warming. When Greenhouse Gasses accumulate and cause the temperature to rise, we see the Greenhouse effect. It has an impact on the rising of the World Ocean level and the melting of Arctic ice. According to specialists, coastal countries and certain islands could be overwhelmed by water over several decades.

Increasing Population:

People require greater space and resources as their population grows, in order to meet all of their food and housing needs. To make room for pastures and agricultural fields, people began cutting down trees. Forests serve as the Earth's main lungs and the primary habitat for a wide range of animals, birds, and insects. Deforestation and Human activities have put a lot of forest species in Jeopardy.

Ozone Layer Depletion:

Depletion of the Ozone layer is a complex Issue that Humanity is grappling with. The Ozone layer absorbs UV radiation, which is damaging to Humans. Increased Ozone hole numbers result in more intense solar radiation and a rise in skin cancer.


Plants and trees are essential components of Human life. Everyone benefits from trees because they give air, food, and medicines. Forests are being cut down to meet rising demand. During the summer, natural wildfires are common. To maximize profit, people take down trees in an unethical manner.

Climate change is occurring at a faster rate than it was a century ago. The weather change has an impact on industrial advancement. Climate change has resulted in disastrous hurricanes, floods, and droughts. In recent years, many countries have been hit by a slew of natural disasters.

Polluted Environments can cause a variety of illnesses. Many species of flora and wildlife that are important to flora are threatened with extinction. Nature preserves balance, and all Organisms' feeding habits are linked in a food chain, as we all know. In areas with petroleum refineries, chemicals, iron and steel, non-metal products, pulp and paper manufacturers, and textile industries, the problem of industrial Pollution is often severe.

Causes of Environmental Issue

With the rise of the industries and the migration of people from villages to cities in search of employment, there has been a regular increase in the problem of proper housing and unhygienic conditions of living. These reasons have given rise in factors for Pollution. Environmental Pollution is of five basic types namely; Air, Water, Soil and Noise Pollution.

Air Pollution:  

Air Pollution is a major Issue in today’s world. The smoke pouring out of factory chimneys and automobiles pollute the air that we breathe in. Gasses like Carbon dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Sulphur Dioxide are emitted which mix with air and cause great harm to the Human body, Flora and Fauna. The dry farm waste, dry grass, leaves and coal used as domestic fuels in our villages also produce harmful Gasses. Acid rain occurs due to excess Sulphur Dioxide in the Air. 

Water Pollution:  

Water Pollution is one of the most serious Environmental Issues. The waste products from the growing industries and sewage water are not treated properly before disposing into rivers and other water bodies, thus creating Pollution. Agricultural processes with excess fertilizers and pesticides also pollute the water bodies.

Soil or Land Pollution:  

The next source of Environmental Pollution is soil. Waste materials such as plastics, polythene, bottles, etc. cause land Pollution and render soil infertile. Moreover, dumping of dead bodies of men and animals, washing of clothes and utensils add to this Issue. It is a very dangerous aspect of Environment since it affects the fertility and food production of the area and the country.

Noise Pollution:  

This Issue is a very subtle form of Pollution. All Human activities contribute to noise Pollution to a large extent. Horns of the vehicles, loud speakers, music system, industrial activities contribute towards this Issue.

Problems like Ozone depletion, Global Warming, Greenhouse effect, change in climatic and weather conditions, melting of glaciers etc. are some more Issues in the Environment.

How to Minimize Environmental Issues?

To minimize this Issue, preventive measures need to be taken.

Principle of 3R’s:  

To save the Environment, use the principle of 3 R’s; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. 

Reuse products again and again. Instead of throwing away things after one use, find a way to use them again.  Reduce the amount of waste products generated. 


Paper, plastics, glass and electronic items can be processed into new products while using fewer natural resources and lesser energy.

To prevent and control measures of air Pollution including better-designed equipment and smokeless fuels should be used in homes and industries. 

More and more trees should be planted to balance the ecosystem and control Greenhouse effects.

Noise Pollution can be minimized by better designing and proper maintenance of vehicles. Industrial noise can be reduced by sound proofing equipment like generators, etc. 

To control soil Pollution, usage of plastic bags must be stopped. Sewage should be treated properly before using it as fertilizers and as landfills.  

Several measures can be adopted to control water Pollution. Some of them are that the water requirement can be minimized by altering the techniques involved. Water should be reused with treatment. The quantity of water waste discharged should be reduced. 

People, unfortunately, forget that we are a part of nature. We must live in harmony with nature and take care of it. We need to rethink how we consume natural resources. People must be aware that the natural world is on the verge of collapse. People must recognise that they are not the primary users of the Environment and construct Environmentally suitable homes. We must consider future generations and what will be left behind after we are gone. People come up with remedies to Environmental Issues. We recycle trash, develop electric automobiles, reduce air, water, and soil Pollution, and restore land erosion by planting new trees. But it is not enough; people must drastically alter their lifestyles until nature takes the last drastic measures.

Saving our planet from these Environmental Issues is the responsibility of every individual. If preventive measures are not taken then our future generation will have to face major repercussions. Government is also taking steps to create public awareness. Every individual should be involved in helping to reduce and control Pollution.


FAQs on Environmental Issue Essay

1. What are the Major Environmental Issues?

The major environmental issues are environmental degradation, climate change, global warming, and greenhouse effects.

2. What is the Best Way to Control Greenhouse Effect?

Afforestation is the best way to control greenhouse effect.

3. What is the Principle of 3Rs?

The principle of 3Rs is Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

4. How do you Minimize Soil Pollution?

Stopping the use of plastics can minimize soil Pollution.

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Alvin Powell

Harvard Staff Writer

Harvard students share thoughts, fears, plans to meet environmental challenges

For many, thinking about the world’s environmental future brings concern, even outright alarm.

There have been, after all, decades of increasingly strident warnings by experts and growing, ever-more-obvious signs of the Earth’s shifting climate. Couple this with a perception that past actions to address the problem have been tantamount to baby steps made by a generation of leaders who are still arguing about what to do, and even whether there really is a problem.

It’s no surprise, then, that the next generation of global environmental leaders are preparing for their chance to begin work on the problem in government, business, public health, engineering, and other fields with a real sense of mission and urgency.

The Gazette spoke to students engaged in environmental action in a variety of ways on campus to get their views of the problem today and thoughts on how their activities and work may help us meet the challenge.

Eric Fell is pictured.

Eric Fell and Eliza Spear

Fell is president and Spear is vice president of Harvard Energy Journal Club. Fell is a graduate student at the Harvard John H. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Spear is a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.

FELL:   For the past three centuries, fossil fuels have enabled massive growth of our civilization to where we are today. But it is now time for a new generation of cleaner-energy technologies to fuel the next chapter of humanity’s story. We’re not too late to solve this environmental challenge, but we definitely shouldn’t procrastinate as much as we have been. I don’t worry about if we’ll get it done, it’s the when. Our survival depends on it. At Harvard, I’ve been interested in the energy-storage problem and have been focusing on developing a grid-scale solution utilizing flow batteries based on organic molecules in the lab of Mike Aziz . We’ll need significant deployment of batteries to enable massive penetration of renewables into the electrical grid.

SPEAR: Processes leading to greenhouse-gas emissions are so deeply entrenched in our way of life that change continues to be incredibly slow. We need to be making dramatic structural changes, and we should all be very worried about that. In the Harvard Energy Journal Club, our focus is energy, so we strive to learn as much as we can about the diverse options for clean-energy generation in various sectors. A really important aspect of that is understanding how much of an impact those technologies, like solar, hydro, and wind, can really have on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. It’s not always as much as you’d like to believe, and there are still a lot of technical and policy challenges to overcome.

I can’t imagine working on anything else, but the question of what I’ll be working on specifically is on my mind a lot. The photovoltaics field is at a really exciting point where a new technology is just starting to break out onto the market, so there are a lot of opportunities for optimization in terms of performance, safety, and environmental impact. That’s what I’m working on now [in Roy Gordon’s lab ] and I’m really enjoying it. I’ll definitely be in the renewable-energy technology realm. The specifics will depend on where I see the greatest opportunity to make an impact.

Kritika Kharbanda is pictured.

Photo (left) courtesy of Kritika Kharbanda; photo by Tiera Satchebell.

Kritika Kharbanda ’23 and Laier-Rayshon Smith ’21

Kharbanda is with the Harvard Student Climate Change Conference, Harvard Circular Economy Symposium. Smith is a member of Climate Leaders Program for Professional Students at Harvard. Both are students at Harvard Graduate School of Design.

KHARBANDA: I come from a country where the most pressing issues are, and will be for a long time, poverty, food shortage, and unemployment born out of corruption, illiteracy, and rapid gentrification. India was the seventh-most-affected country by climate change in 2019. With two-thirds of the population living in rural areas with no access to electricity, even the notion of climate change is unimaginable.

I strongly believe that the answer lies in the conjugality of research and industry. In my field, achieving circularity in the building material processes is the burning concern. The building industry currently contributes to 40 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, of which 38 percent is contributed by the embedded or embodied energy used for the manufacturing of materials. A part of the Harvard i-lab, I am a co-founder of Cardinal LCA, an early stage life-cycle assessment tool that helps architects and designers visualize this embedded energy in building materials, saving up to 46 percent of the energy from the current workflow. This venture has a strong foundation as a research project for a seminar class I took at the GSD in fall 2020, instructed by Jonathan Grinham. I am currently working as a sustainability engineer at Henning Larsen architects in Copenhagen while on a leave of absence from GSD. In the decades to come, I aspire to continue working on the embodied carbon aspect of the building industry. Devising an avant garde strategy to record the embedded carbon is the key. In the end, whose carbon is it, anyway?

SMITH: The biggest challenges are areas where the threat of climate change intersects with environmental justice. It is important that we ensure that climate-change mitigation and adaptation strategies are equitable, whether it is sea-level rise or the increase in urban heat islands. We should seek to address the threats faced by the most vulnerable communities — the communities least able to resolve the threat themselves. These often tend to be low-income communities and communities of color that for decades have been burdened with bearing the brunt of environmental health hazards.

During my time at Harvard, I have come to understand how urban planning and design can seek to address this challenge. Planners and designers can develop strategies to prioritize communities that are facing a significant climate-change risk, but because of other structural injustices may not be able to access the resources to mitigate the risk. I also learned about climate gentrification: a phenomenon in which people in wealthier communities move to areas with lower risks of climate-change threats that are/were previously lower-income communities. I expect to work on many of these issues, as many are connected and are threats to communities across the country. From disinvestment and economic extraction to the struggle to find quality affordable housing, these injustices allow for significant disparities in life outcomes and dealing with risk.

Lucy Shaw is pictured.

Lucy Shaw ’21

Shaw is co-president of the HBS Energy and Environment Club. She is a joint-degree student at Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School.

SHAW: I want to see a world where climate change is averted and the environment preserved, without it being at the expense of the development and prosperity of lower-income countries. We have, or are on the cusp of having, many of the financial and technological tools we need to reduce emissions and environmental damage from a wide array of industries, such as agriculture, energy, and transport. The challenge I am most worried about is how we balance economic growth and opportunity with reducing humanity’s environmental impact and share this burden equitably across countries.

I came to Harvard as a joint degree student at the Kennedy School and Business School to be able to see this challenge from two different angles. In my policy-oriented classes, we learned about the opportunities and challenges of global coordination among national governments — the difficulty in enforcing climate agreements, and in allocating and agreeing on who bears the responsibility and the costs of change, but also the huge potential that an international framework with nationally binding laws on environmental protection and carbon-emission reduction could have on changing the behavior of people and businesses. In my business-oriented classes, we learned about the power of business to create change, if there is a driven leadership. We also learned that people and businesses respond to incentives, and the importance of reducing cost of technologies or increasing the cost of not switching to more sustainable technologies — for example, through a tax. After graduate school, I plan to join a leading private equity investor in their growing infrastructure team, which will equip me with tools to understand what makes a good investment in infrastructure and what are the opportunities for reducing the environmental impact of infrastructure while enhancing its value. I hope to one day be involved in shaping environmental and development policy, whether it is on a national or international level.

environmental issues opinion essay

Photo (left) by Tabitha Soren.

Quinn Lewis ’23 and Suhaas Bhat ’24

Both are with the Student Climate Change Conference, Harvard College.

LEWIS:   When I was a kid, I imagined being an adult as a future with a stable house, a fun job, and happy kids. That future didn’t include wildfires that obscured the sun for months, global water shortages, or billionaires escaping to terrariums on Mars. The threats are so great and so assured by inaction that it’s very hard for me to justify doing anything else with my time and attention because very little will matter if there’s 1 billion climate refugees and significant portions of the continental United States become uninhabitable for human life.

For whatever reason, I still feel a great deal of hope around giving it a shot. I can’t imagine not working to mitigate the climate crisis. Media and journalism will play a huge role in raising awareness, as they generate public pressure that can sway those in power. Another route for change is to cut directly to those in power and try to convince them of the urgency of the situation. Given that I am 22 years old, it is much easier to raise public awareness or work in media and journalism than it is to sit down with some of the most powerful people on the planet, who tend to be rather busy. At school, I’m on a team that runs the University-wide Student Climate Change Conference at Harvard, which is a platform for speakers from diverse backgrounds to discuss the climate crisis and ways students and educators can take immediate and effective action. Also, I write about and research challenges and solutions to the climate crisis through the lenses of geopolitics and the global economy, both as a student at the College and as a case writer at the Harvard Business School. Outside of Harvard, I have worked in investigative journalism and at Crooked Media, as well as on political campaigns to indirectly and directly drive urgency around the climate crisis.

BHAT:   The failure to act on climate change in the last few decades, despite mountains of scientific evidence, is a consequence of political and institutional cowardice. Fossil fuel companies have obfuscated, misinformed, and lobbied for decades, and governments have failed to act in the best interests of their citizens. Of course, the fight against climate change is complex and multidimensional, requiring scientific, technical, and entrepreneurial expertise, but it will ultimately require systemic change to allow these talents to shine.

At Harvard, my work on climate has been focused on running the Harvard Student Climate Conference, as well as organizing for Fossil Fuel Divest Harvard. My hope for the Climate Conference is to provide students access to speakers who have dedicated their careers to all aspects of the fight against climate change, so that students interested in working on climate have more direction and inspiration for what to do with their careers. We’ve featured Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, members of the Sunrise Movement, and the CEO of Impossible Foods as some examples of inspiring and impactful people who are working against climate change today.

I organize for FFDH because I believe that serious institutional change is necessary for solving the climate crisis and also because of a sort of patriotism I have for Harvard. I deeply respect and care for this institution, and genuinely believe it is an incredible force for good in the world. At the same time, I believe Harvard has a moral duty to stand against the corporations whose misdeeds and falsification of science have enabled the climate crisis.

Libby Dimenstein is pictured.

Libby Dimenstein ’22

Dimenstein is co-president of Harvard Law School Environmental Law Society.

DIMENSTEIN:   Climate change is the one truly existential threat that my generation has had to face. What’s most scary is that we know it’s happening. We know how bad it will be; we know people are already dying from it; and we still have done so little relative to the magnitude of the problem. I also worry that people don’t see climate change as an “everyone problem,” and more as a problem for people who have the time and money to worry about it, when in reality it will harm people who are already disadvantaged the most.

I want to recognize Professor Wendy Jacobs, who recently passed away. Wendy founded HLS’s fantastic Environmental Law and Policy Clinic, and she also created an interdisciplinary class called the Climate Solutions Living Lab. In the lab, groups of students drawn from throughout the University would conduct real-world projects to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The class was hard, because actually reducing greenhouse gases is hard, but it taught us about the work that needs to be done. This summer I’m interning with the Environmental Defense Fund’s U.S. Clean Air Team, and I anticipate a lot of my work will revolve around the climate. After graduating, I’m hoping to do environmental litigation, either with a governmental division or a nonprofit, but I also have an interest in policy work: Impact litigation is fascinating and important, but what we need most is sweeping policy change.

Candice Chen is pictured.

Candice Chen ’22 and Noah Secondo ’22

Chen and Secondo are co-directors of the Harvard Environmental Action Committee. Both attend Harvard College.

SECONDO: The environment is fundamental to rural Americans’ identity, but they do not believe — as much as urban Americans — that the government can solve environmental problems. Without the whole country mobilized and enthusiastic, from New Hampshire to Nebraska, we will fail to confront the climate crisis. I have no doubt that we can solve this problem. To rebuild trust between the U.S. government and rural communities, federal departments and agencies need to speak with rural stakeholders, partner with state and local leaders, and foreground rural voices. Through the Harvard College Democrats and the Environmental Action Committee, I have contributed to local advocacy efforts and creative projects, including an environmental art publication.

I hope to work in government to keep the policy development and implementation processes receptive to rural perspectives, including in the environmental arena. At every level of government, if we work with each other in good faith, we will tackle the climate crisis and be better for it.

CHEN: I’m passionate about promoting more sustainable, plant-based diets. As individual consumers, we have very little control over the actions of the largest emitters, massive corporations, but we can all collectively make dietary decisions that can avoid a lot of environmental degradation. Our food system is currently very wasteful, and our overreliance on animal agriculture devastates natural ecosystems, produces lots of potent greenhouse gases, and creates many human health hazards from poor animal-waste disposal. I feel like the climate conversation is often focused around the clean energy transition, and while it is certainly the largest component of how we can avoid the worst effects of global warming, the dietary conversation is too often overlooked. A more sustainable future also requires us to rethink agriculture, and especially what types of agriculture our government subsidizes. In the coming years, I hope that more will consider the outsized environmental impact of animal agriculture and will consider making more plant-based food swaps.

To raise awareness of the environmental benefits of adopting a more plant-based diet, I’ve been involved with running a campaign through the Environmental Action Committee called Veguary. Veguary encourages participants to try going vegetarian or vegan for the month of February, and participants receive estimates for how much their carbon/water/land use footprints have changed based on their pledged dietary changes for the month.

Cristina Liu is pictured.

Photo (left) courtesy of Cristina Su Liu.

Cristina Su Liu ’22 and James Healy ’21

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Liu is with Harvard Climate Leaders Program for Professional Students. Healy is with the Harvard Student Climate Change Conference. Both are students at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

HEALY:   As a public health student I see so many environmental challenges, be it the 90 percent of the world who breathe unhealthy air, or the disproportionate effects of extreme heat on communities of color, or the environmental disruptions to the natural world and the zoonotic disease that humans are increasingly being exposed to. But the central commonality at the heart of all these crises is the climate crisis. Climate change, from the greenhouse-gas emissions to the physical heating of the Earth, is worsening all of these environmental crises. That’s why I call the climate crisis the great exacerbator. While we will all feel the effects of climate change, it will not be felt equally. Whether it’s racial inequity or wealth inequality, the climate crisis is widening these already gaping divides.

Solutions may have to be outside of our current road maps for confronting crises. I have seen the success of individual efforts and private innovation in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, from individuals wearing masks and social distancing to the huge advances in vaccine development. But for climate change, individual efforts and innovation won’t be enough. I would be in favor of policy reform and coalition-building between new actors. As an overseer of the Harvard Student Climate Change Conference and the Harvard Climate Leaders Program, I’ve aimed to help mobilize Harvard’s diverse community to tackle climate change. I am also researching how climate change makes U.S. temperatures more variable, and how that’s reducing the life expectancies of Medicare recipients. The goal of this research, with Professor Joel Schwartz, will be to understand the effects of climate change on vulnerable communities. I certainly hope to expand on these themes in my future work.

SU LIU:  A climate solution will need to be a joint effort from the whole society, not just people inside the environmental or climate circles. In addition to cross-sectoral cooperation, solving climate change will require much stronger international cooperation so that technologies, projects, and resources can be developed and shared globally. As a Chinese-Brazilian student currently studying in the United States, I find it very valuable to learn about the climate challenges and solutions of each of these countries, and how these can or cannot be applied in other settings. China-U.S. relations are tense right now, but I hope that climate talks can still go ahead since we have much to learn from each other.

Personally, as a student in environmental health at [the Harvard Chan School], I feel that my contribution to addressing this challenge until now has been in doing research, learning more about the health impacts of climate change, and most importantly, learning how to communicate climate issues to people outside climate circles. Every week there are several climate-change events at Harvard, where a different perspective on climate change is addressed. It has been very inspiring for me, and I feel that I could learn about climate change in a more holistic way.

Recently, I started an internship at FXB Village, where I am working on developing and integrating climate resilience indicators into their poverty-alleviation program in rural communities in Puebla, Mexico. It has been very rewarding to introduce climate-change and climate-resilience topics to people working on poverty alleviation and see how everything is interconnected. When we address climate resilience, we are also addressing access to basic services, livelihoods, health, equity, and quality of life in general. This is where climate justice is addressed, and that is a very powerful idea.

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Ielts essay # 1500 - environmental problems are becoming a global issue, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, environmental problems are becoming a global issue, and therefore, some people suggest that environmental problems should be solved on a global scale., to what extent do you agree or disagree.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environmental pollution.

Essay on Environmental Pollution – Environment is the surroundings in which we live. But the contamination of our environment by pollutants is environmental pollution. The current stage of the earth that we are seeing is the cause of centuries of exploitation of earth and its resources.

Moreover, the earth cannot restore its balance because of environmental pollution . The human force has created and destroyed life on earth. Human plays a vital role in the degradation of the environment.

Essay on Environmental Pollution

Effect of pollution on the health

The environmental pollution, directly and indirectly, affects the lives of humans and other species. These living beings co-existed on the earth with human from centuries.

Effect on Air

Carbon and dust particles string up with the air in the form of smog, damaging respiratory system , haze, and smoke. These are caused by the emission of industrial and manufacturing units by burning of fossil fuels, vehicle combustion of carbon fumes.

Moreover, these factors affect the immune system of birds which become a carrier of viruses and infections.

Besides, it also affects the body system and body organs.

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Effects on Land, Soil, and Food

Human’s organic and chemical both waste harm the land and soil with its decomposition. Also, it introduces some chemical in the soil and water. Land and soil pollution mainly caused by the use of pesticides, fertilizers , soil erosion, and crop residues.

Effect on Water

Water gets contaminated easily with any pollutant whether it is human waste or chemical discharge from factories. Also, we use this water for irrigation of crops and drinking. But, because of infection they become contaminated too. Besides, an animal dies because they drink this same contaminated water.

Moreover, around 80% of pollutants of land such as chemical, industrial and agricultural waste end up in the water bodies.

Besides, these water bodies ultimately connect to the sea which means it indirectly pollutes the biodiversity of the sea.

Effect on Food

Because of contaminated soil and water, the crop or agricultural produce also get toxic. Furthermore, this contaminated food effect our health and organs. From the beginning of their life, these crops are laced with chemical components that reach a mass level until the time of harvest.

Effect on Climate

Climate change is also a cause of environmental pollution. Also, it affects the physical and biological components of the ecosystem.

Moreover, ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, global warming all these climate changes are a cause of environmental pollution.

environmental issues opinion essay

Furthermore, some unstable climate changes are earthquakes, famine, smog, carbon particles, shallow rain or snow, thunderstorms, volcanic eruption, and avalanches are all because of climate change that happens all because of environmental pollution.

In conclusion, man has exploited the wealth of nature at the cost of his and environments health. Also, the effect that is now emerging rapidly is all because of the activities of humans for hundreds or thousands of years.

Above all, if we wish to survive and continue our life on earth then we have to take measures. These measures will help is securing our as well as our next generation future.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Explain environmental pollution in easy language.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “When some harmful chemical and substances get mixed in the environment which changes the natural order of things is called environmental pollution.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Is the food that we eat is safe to eat?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”In today’s world every food that grows on the land is either contaminated by chemicals directly or indirectly. We use this food for our consumption. So, we can say that the food we eat is not safe for consumption.”} }] }

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Updated on 04 June, 2024

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study abroad expert.

Mrinal Mandal

Attempting the IELTS Writing Task 2 environmental problems and solutions essay? There are certain things you should know. This includes the minimum word count, total allotted time, and approach to answer such questions. 

While writing the problem of pollution IELTS essay, it must be accompanied by examples, arguments, and logical reasons. Read the instructions carefully before starting. Let’s look at some samples for a better understanding.

What is IELTS Writing Task 2

The IELTS Writing Task 2 is the essay section of the IELTS exam. It measures your capability to write a concise, clear, and well-organized essay on various general or academic topics.

A prompt will be presented to you and using that you have to create an essay of at least 250 words. The duration of IELTS Writing Task 2 is approximately 40 minutes.

The common types of prompts include opinion essays, two-question essays, advantages and disadvantages essays, discussion essays, and problem and solution essays like environmental problems and solutions essay questions. You must provide an opinion, summarize information, outline major issues or identify solutions for relevant problems.

For example, if your prompt is an essay about environmental problems and solutions, you must write a minimum 250-word essay about it. Your answer should include insights into how to solve environmental problems, present and justify your opinion, present a solution, and provide applicable evidence.

How to Approach Writing Task 2

You can follow the below steps to learn how to write an essay on writing task 2, environmental problems and solutions:

  • Understand what type of essay you must write.
  • Create a rough outline and a few ideas about what to include and how to complete the essay.
  • Write an engaging introduction that includes a brief on the topic at hand, i.e., discuss environmental problems.
  • Start writing short, clear body paragraphs explaining how your solutions will solve the problems.
  • Make sure to use a formal tone and be consistent with the styling when writing the essay.
  • Add any examples or evidence to support your solutions and point of view. For example, let’s imagine you are presenting the   idea of reducing deforestation as a solution to environmental problems. Mention creative ideas that show how deforestation can solve this specific problem.
  • Before submitting, proofread your essay to remove typos, grammatical errors, or tone inconsistencies. 

Vocabulary for Writing Task 2  

To complete IELTS Writing Task 2 environment topics with answers, you should have a strong vocabulary and avoid repetitive words. Use proper connectors and transitional words as much as possible to ensure the smooth flow of the sentences.   You can use a thesaurus to learn synonyms for connecting words. Try to start and end the paragraphs with connectors to get a higher score.   When writing an essay about environmental problems and solutions, you can incorporate phrases like:  

  • In my opinion (to express your views about environmental issues)  
  • For example (to present evidence)  
  • One way to solve this could be (to mention solutions to environmental problems)  
  • I quite agree that (to mention that you are agreeing with)  
  • The main reason is (to explain the root cause of the environmental problems) 
  • To conclude (add a summary to your essay)

Some advanced vocabulary you can include in your IELTS essay are as follows:

Word Meaning 
Suitability The ability to maintain a steady level without exhausting the resources 
Anti-globalizationOpposition to the increase of unregulated free market capitalism by global companies and support the preservation of the natural environment and resources.
Extinct No longer existing. A species that has died out completely.
Zero wasteAn idea that encourages the elimination of waste by promoting practices like reuse, recycling, and composting. 
OverconsumptionExcessive consumption of goods and resources at a rate that exceeds their sustainable supply.
Nuclear winterA large-scale and prolonged global cooling due to the blocking of sunlight by smoke and dust from the explosions. 
Carbon creditsOfficial permits that let the holder release a particular amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gasses.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Environmental Problems Essay Sample - 1

Go through some samples that will help you frame a good essay:  

Question:   Many people think that environmental problems are too big for individual citizens to fix. In contrast, others feel that the government cannot solve them unless individuals take constructive actions. Discuss both perspectives and let us know what you think.  


There are pressing environmental problems that the world faces today. Some believe that they are outside the ambit of individuals to solve, while others believe that unless people step up, the governments will be unable to solve them either. This essay will discuss both these views before concluding. 

The argument is heavily tilted toward individual citizens lacking the material resources and social networks to fix long-standing environmental problems. There are several facets towards solving environmental issues, notably those concerning the administrative, governmental, regulatory, authoritative, law and order, and legal domains. For instance, manufacturing units keep releasing poisonous gases into the atmosphere while polluting rivers with toxic materials. Individuals cannot possibly combat these instances. People may argue that every stakeholder can step up and pressure the authorities and companies to take proactive steps. However, this is not a feasible solution since these companies are largely under the ownership of businesses and funds that only seek profits and do not prioritize the environment. 

It leads to the natural deduction that solving environmental problems is the joint responsibility of public stakeholders and the government. The authorities should offer legal and administrative support towards curbing pollution and other environmental issues. If any individual wishes to notify the authorities of something harmful in their region, then steps should be taken to streamline this provision as much as possible. Governments may consider setting up pollution control bodies, desks in every administrative office, random environmental inspections at manufacturing units, fines and legal provisions for a rule violation, and similar steps. 

Hence, the above premise supports the argument that the government can't fix everything unless there is sustained pressure from a section of society and individuals. The responsibility seems to veer directly towards individual actions collectively harnessed to pressure legislative and administrative mechanisms to fix prevalent issues. The combined initiatives of citizens and authorities will be the most effective solution for solving environmental problems. However, this does not mean that individual responsibility takes a backseat until there is government support. Individuals can contribute in numerous smaller ways towards ecological preservation. (Words: 360)


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IELTS Environmental Problems and Solutions Essay Sample - 2

Question:   Some citizens feel that the biggest environmental issue currently is the loss of animal and plant species. Some think that there are bigger ecological issues worth addressing. Discuss both perspectives and let us know what you think.  

Many people feel that there are bigger environmental issues and potential disasters that should be tackled first. In contrast, others believe that the loss of particular animal and plant species is the biggest threat at the moment. Despite the first argument having some merits, I agree that the loss of biodiversity through the vital plant and animal species is the biggest environmental issue we face today. 

Natural disasters have increased worldwide, and scientists cite climate change as the major reason. Many experts argue that the temperature increase, especially across oceans, has led to a higher risk of blizzards, hurricanes, cyclones, and tsunamis. There are multiple natural disasters, including the devastating cyclones  Aila and  Amphan,  which struck India periodically over the last two decades. The biggest tragedy of the entire century was arguably the 2004 tsunami that destroyed Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, causing innumerable deaths, serious injuries, loss of property and homes, livelihood risks, and unimaginable damages. 

The key reason animal and plant species have to be safeguarded is the growing number of endangered species over the last few decades. Take the example of polar bears, who reside in the Arctic, where they currently face threats due to the prolonged melting of the ice caps. Polar bears may completely become extinct by 2100, as per forecasts. It will have a chain effect on the Arctic ecosystem and other animals in the endangered category, such as narwhals and seals. It is only a single example of global warming and how it impacts the lives of plant and animal species. 

In my opinion, biodiversity loss is the biggest threat the environment faces today. Citizens, action groups and governments, should find ways to collaborate and take positive steps toward preserving endangered wildlife and plants along with their ecosystems. It is because biodiversity is the bedrock of natural growth, maintenance, and evolution. Governments should simultaneously look at ways to lower carbon emissions, the usage of fossil fuels, and other factors causing climate change and deadly natural consequences. (Words: 353)

In conclusion, addressing environmental problems requires a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand and a commitment to implementing practical solutions. Essays on environmental problems and solutions for IELTS Writing Task 2 should not only highlight the urgency of these issues, such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, but also emphasize the effectiveness of solutions like renewable energy adoption, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices.

By critically analyzing these topics, candidates can demonstrate their awareness, analytical abilities, and language proficiency. Furthermore, such essays encourage a global discourse on environmental stewardship, underscoring the need for collective action and innovative approaches to safeguard our planet for future generations. 

As we move forward, it is imperative that we all contribute to these solutions, embodying the change needed to address the environmental challenges that face us today.

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What to write in the 'how to keep our environment clean essay' ?

As human beings, we are blessed with a beautiful and nurturing environment. However, it is fast being reduced to shreds owing to the negative impact of our destructive and careless actions. 

Out of our greed, selfishness, and carelessness, we are steadily destroying the environment brick by brick. The rising incidence of natural calamities throughout the world and growing emissions are only two indicators of what is to come if we do not mend our ways. 

I strongly feel that communities, governments and individuals should take more concrete steps towards keeping their immediate environments clean and in good shape. 

We should enhance our environment by planting more trees and encouraging others to do the same, especially the future generations. 

We should also advocate legal regulations that ban the usage of plastic in order to preserve our future ecosystems and oceans. We should reuse our plastic bags and not dispose them. We should gradually switch towards paper bags as well. 

We should also use more public transportation and reduce electricity and water consumption. I believe that with responsible steps, we can ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.

What should be included in the 'how to protect the environment essay' ?

Our environment refers to our ecosystems, communities, surroundings and our living conditions. However, it is now on its way towards being endangered owing to the callous actions of Man for greed and profit. Milking natural resources to the point of exhaustion, we have already been chipping away at the natural environment bit by bit. 

I believe that all is not lost;  we can start taking proactive steps toward safeguarding our environment. 

We can start with more tree plantations since green cover is the only solution for combating the impact of natural calamities and flooding and reducing the artificial  heat island effect that major global cities are suffering from. More oxygen will also ensure better quality of life in the bargain. We can also endeavor to protect natural habitats, urban forests and other natural ecosystems including water bodies. We should also conserve forests with dedicated initiatives and awareness programs. A lot has to be done at the government level in this regard. 

Other measures include waste management, zero-tolerance policies for littering, soil conservation and pollution prevention. In this way, we can all work together to protect what is left of our environment in order to combat future calamities and destructive occurrences, while ensuring the sustainability of life on the planet.

How to save our environment essay?

Saving the environment is imperative in the current scenario. The word  save assumes immense significance here since we have already managed to destroy large parts of our environments and natural habitats owing to greed, conspicuous consumption, and  politics. 

We can start by emphasizing  tree plantation and the conservation of existing natural habitats and ecosystems. We should take steps towards reducing carbon emissions and footprints while switching to electric mobility, cutting down on water waste,  and managing solid waste carefully. We should eliminate plastic usage to save our oceans. 

Forest and soil conservation are also essential for saving the environment for the future. Solar and wind energy should be promoted as the new-age formula for environmental conservation. 

Recycling and reusing are also  ways to  conserve natural resources.

With these positive steps being implemented by environmental organizations and authorities worldwide, we can attempt to save our environment, leaving it intact and sustainable for future generations.

What can I write in the 'how I care for the environment everyday essay' ?

As human beings, we are all governed by a set of fundamental duties and responsibilities to ourselves, our families, society,  and the environment. We are all entrusted with the responsibilities to leave behind a sustainable environment for upcoming generations instead of defiling it and leaving behind the planet in a hazardous state. 

At my end, I try to take various proactive steps towards caring for my environment. I try to plant trees as often as possible by organizing tree plantation drives, not just in proximity to my residence, but also throughout my community. I gift saplings to my loved ones and acquaintances.

I also reuse plastic bags at home while avoiding the usage of new ones. I use paper bags for my shopping as much as possible. I regularly volunteer for beach and park clean-up drives in my locality while also spreading awareness amongst children and younger generations. I try to  use less water and encourage my family to do the same. I also buy sustainable seafood and have cut down on my consumption of electricity. 

These are some small ways through which I care for my environment. I firmly encourage others to do the same. We only have one livable planet, and it is time for us to stop taking it for granted.

How do humans affect the environment essay?

Over centuries, human beings have adversely impacted the environment, especially with a rapid growth in population, housing and societal requirements, along with widespread urbanization and industrialization. 

Human beings have contributed to large-scale deforestation and the elimination of precious forest cover throughout the world for housing, industries, profitable enterprises and other purposes.

Industrialization and consumerism have become a lethal cocktail that has led to increasing usage of plastic that chokes up our oceans , more toxic emissions with an increase in vehicles and burning of fossil fuels, and contamination of soil and water through harmful chemicals. 

As human beings, we have already destroyed the tender ecological balance by misusing and exploiting of natural resources for profits. Littering and careless waste disposal have also hurt the environment along with wildlife extinction and biodiversity losses. 

Last but not the least, we have also contributed to soil erosion, higher radiation and noise pollution. These are the catastrophic ways in which we have harmed the environment. Decades of restorative measures are required to reverse these damages to an extent.

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Mrinal Mandal is a study abroad expert with a passion for guiding students towards their international education goals. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering, earned in 2018. Since 2021, Mrinal has been working with upGrad Abroad, where he assists aspiring students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad. With his expertise and dedication, he empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of international education, making their aspirations a reality.

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What it means for the Supreme Court to throw out Chevron decision, undercutting federal regulators


FILE- Gulls follow a commercial fishing boat as crewmen haul in their catch in the Gulf of Maine, in this Jan. 17, 2012 file photo. TExecutive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court. The court’s 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)

The Supreme Court building is seen on Friday, June 28, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Executive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court .

The court’s 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear.

The 40-year-old decision has been the basis for upholding thousands of regulations by dozens of federal agencies, but has long been a target of conservatives and business groups who argue that it grants too much power to the executive branch, or what some critics call the administrative state.

The Biden administration has defended the law, warning that overturning so-called Chevron deference would be destabilizing and could bring a “convulsive shock” to the nation’s legal system.


Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said federal judges “must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote.

Here is a look at the court’s decision and the implications for government regulations going forward.

What is the Chevron decision?

Atlantic herring fishermen sued over federal rules requiring them to pay for independent observers to monitor their catch. The fishermen argued that the 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act did not authorize officials to create industry-funded monitoring requirements and that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to follow proper rulemaking procedure.

In two related cases, the fishermen asked the court to overturn the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine, which stems from a unanimous Supreme Court case involving the energy giant in a dispute over the Clean Air Act. That ruling said judges should defer to the executive branch when laws passed by Congress are ambiguous.

In that case, the court upheld an action by the Environmental Protection Agency under then-President Ronald Reagan.

In the decades following the ruling, Chevron has been a bedrock of modern administrative law, requiring judges to defer to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of congressional statutes.

But the current high court, with a 6-3 conservative majority has been increasingly skeptical of the powers of federal agencies. Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch have questioned the Chevron decision. Ironically, it was Gorsuch’s mother, former EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch, who made the decision that the Supreme Court upheld in 1984.


What’s at stake?

With a closely divided Congress, presidential administrations have increasingly turned to federal regulation to implement policy changes. Federal rules impact virtually every aspect of everyday life, from the food we eat and the cars we drive to the air we breathe and homes we live in.

President Joe Biden’s administration, for example, has issued a host of new regulations on the environment and other priorities, including restrictions on emissions from power plants and vehicle tailpipes , and rules on student loan forgiveness , overtime pay and affordable housing.

Those actions and others could be opened up to legal challenges if judges are allowed to discount or disregard the expertise of the executive-branch agencies that put them into place.

With billions of dollars potentially at stake, groups representing the gun industry and other businesses such as tobacco, agriculture, timber and homebuilding, were among those pressing the justices to overturn the Chevron doctrine and weaken government regulation.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed an amicus brief last year on behalf of business groups arguing that modern application of Chevron has “fostered aggrandizement’’ of the executive branch at the expense of Congress and the courts.

David Doniger, a lawyer and longtime Natural Resources Defense Council official who argued the original Chevron case in 1984, said he feared that a ruling to overturn the doctrine could “free judges to be radical activists” who could “effectively rewrite our laws and block the protections they are supposed to provide.”

“The net effect will be to weaken our government’s ability to meet the real problems the world is throwing at us — big things like COVID and climate change,″ Doniger said.

More than just fish

“This case was never just about fish,’' said Meredith Moore of the environmental group Ocean Conservancy. Instead, businesses and other interest groups used the herring fishery “to attack the foundations of the public agencies that serve the American public and conserve our natural resources,’' she said.

The court ruling will likely open the floodgates to litigation that could erode critical protections for people and the environment, Moore and other advocates said.

“For more than 30 years, fishery observers have successfully helped ensure that our oceans are responsibly managed so that fishing can continue in the future,’' said Dustin Cranor of Oceana, another conservation group.

He called the case “just the latest example of the far right trying to undermine the federal government’s ability to protect our oceans, waters, public lands, clean air and health.’'

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey called the decision a fitting follow-up to a 2022 decision — in a case he brought — that limits the EPA’s ability to control greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The court held that Congress must speak with specificity when it wants to give an agency authority to regulate on an issue of major national significance.

Morrisey, now the GOP nominee for governor, called Chevron “a misguided doctrine under which courts defer to legally dubious interpretations of statutes put out by federal administrative agencies.”

A shift toward judicial power

The Supreme Court ruling will almost certainly shift power away from the executive branch and Congress and toward courts, said Craig Green, a professor at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law.

“Federal judges will now have the first and final word about what statutes mean,″ he said. “That’s a big shift in power.″

In what some observers see as a historic irony, many conservatives who now attack Chevron once celebrated it. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was among those who hailed the original ruling as a way to rein in liberal laws.

“Conservatives believed in this rule until they didn’t,’' Green said in an interview.

In recent years, conservatives have focused on “deconstruction of the administrative state,’' even if the result lessens the ability of a conservative president to impose his beliefs on government agencies.

“If you weaken the federal government, you get less government,’' Green said — an outcome that many conservatives, including those who back former President Donald Trump, welcome.

The ruling will likely “gum up the works for federal agencies and make it even harder for them to address big problems. Which is precisely what the critics of Chevron want,” said Jody Freeman, director of the environmental and energy law program at Harvard Law School.


Utah has the fourth most toxic chemical releases of any state. The majority come from one source.

More than 80% of the toxic chemicals released in utah in 2022 came from a mining company, according to the environmental protection agency..

Just down the hill from homes and a park in Copperton Metro Township sits a leaching reservoir and two large, lined pools stained by copper residue.

The leaching reservoir — dubbed the “Bingham Creek Reservoir” on Google Maps — is owned by Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation and stores wastewater from the Bingham Canyon Mine, one of the largest open-pit copper mines in the world and a massive source of toxic chemicals.

The Rio Tinto-owned mine produces copper used in electric motors and power lines, tellurium for solar panels and, in smaller quantities, such other precious metals as gold and silver.

As it does so, the mine also releases millions of pounds of arsenic, lead, selenium, mercury and other toxic chemicals – ones that can damage the brain and nervous system, cause insomnia and cause cancer – every year, according to data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxic Release Inventory, or TRI.

Many of those chemicals come to rest in massive tailings ponds to the north, and Kennecott gathers and disposes of the crystals left behind as the water evaporates.

Because the mine moves “millions of tons” of dirt and rock a year with “naturally occurring trace levels of metals” reportable to the federal government, the facility is a big TRI contributor, according to a statement sent by Tammy Champo, spokesperson for Rio Tinto Kennecott.

Those releases are “safely stored in specifically sited, engineered, constructed and permitted facilities,” Champo said, including the tailings ponds just north of Magna and east of The Great Saltair.

Sometimes, though, those chemicals make it into the surrounding environment.

Those don’t end up connecting directly to a toe tag saying “Rio Tinto did this” or a footprint linking a heart attack to the chemicals, said Dr. Brian Moench, president of Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment.

“But given all the pollution and the toxins, we know some of these can be directly attributed to that,” Moench said. “We just don’t know exactly which ones.”

The Kennecott mine and smelter decreased toxic releases between 2021 and 2022, Champo said, and is working to further reduce releases through efforts like soil remediation and trucks with higher-efficiency engines that output fewer tailpipe emissions.

‘Contamination steadily gets worse year by year’

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) The Bingham Copper Mine on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

Moench has lived in Utah his entire life. He can name 15 families in his neighborhood who have had an episode of cancer.

Poisoned air and water, in part caused by toxic releases from facilities like the Bingham Copper Mine, may be to blame.

Between 70% and 90% of cancer cases can be traced back to behavior and environmental causes, a study by a group of researchers at Stony Brook University found in 2016. An example of a cancer-causing behavior is smoking, while exposure to dangerous chemicals and heavy metals in the air can be an environmental cause.

“This is an operation that releases environmental toxins to the community and has done so for 120 years,” Moench said about the Bingham Canyon copper mine. “The level of contamination steadily gets worse year by year.”

“The impacts are difficult to attribute exactly to their operation, but we know they’re there,” he added.

Many of the toxic releases by the Bingham Canyon Mine are known carcinogens, like arsenic, asbestos, cadmium and nickel compounds, according to the National Cancer Institute .

Lead and lead compounds are the mine’s largest toxic releases.

Lead exposure, according to the EPA, damages the brain and nervous system , especially in children six years and younger, leading to lower IQs. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that there is no safe level of lead in blood for children .

Adults experiencing lead exposure are at greater risk of high blood pressure, reproductive issues and nerve disorders from lead exposure.

The mine also releases mercury, a harmful neurotoxin. Mercury, when inhaled, can lead to emotional changes, insomnia, headaches and inhibited mental function , the EPA says.

These toxic releases have a compounding effect, Moench said, as cumulative exposure to harmful chemicals in the air and water builds each year.

He compared the compounding effect of toxic releases to that of regulated substances. A glass of wine might be safe on its own, just like a shot of Jack Daniels or a few Tylenol pills. But when you ingest them all together, they can be deadly.

“A supposedly acceptable level of lead combined with an acceptable level of mercury combined with an acceptable level of cadmium,” he continued, “is not acceptable. Not that it ever was.”

Utah has fourth most toxic chemical releases of any state

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) The Kennecott Garfield Smelter Stack is pictured during inversion conditions on the south side of the Great Salt Lake on Friday, December 29, 2023.

Facilities in certain industries – typically linked to manufacturing, metal mining, electric power generation and hazardous waste treatment – must report how they’re handling certain chemicals. Those reports must include treatment and environmental releases.

The EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory tracks those chemical releases, showing what chemicals facilities use in communities, how those facilities manage waste – including through environmental releases – and whether quantities of chemicals and releases have changed over time.

Based on the most recent TRI report, facilities in Utah released 181.8 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the environment in 2022.

That’s the fourth most of any state behind Texas, Nevada and Alaska.

More than 80% of the toxic chemicals released in Utah came from the Kennecott copper mine and smelter.

The facility with the next-biggest releases was Clean Harbors, a hazardous waste company with 14.35 million pounds at one facility and 3.46 million pounds at another.

The top facility being in the mining industry isn’t unusual, as the EPA explains in a page about why the metal mining sector reports the largest quantities of toxic chemical releases. The federal agency credits that to handling lots of material and waste rock each year.

The “very large” Bingham Canyon Mine has not only copper but also pyrite, said Doug Sims , dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Mathematics at the College of Southern Nevada.

The presence of pyrite, or iron sulfide, creates an acidic environment, Sims said, causing problems with the leaching of other trace metals. The more acidic the environment, he said, the more metals start to leach out – and when things get really acidic, the process also produces lead.

One hundred facilities, including the Kennecott mine and smelter, reported managing and releasing lead and lead compounds as part of their report to the EPA.

Sims has worked on several mine projects in Utah and northern Nevada and researches contaminated sediments, geochemistry and paleohydrology in the Southern Great Basin and the Mojave Desert .

Nevada and Alaska also have high amounts of toxic chemical releases because of mining, though they’re primarily mining for gold and zinc, respectively, instead of copper.

The Beehive State also had the fifth most pounds of toxic chemicals released per square mile, mostly behind smaller states.

Kennecott’s releases also pushed Salt Lake City to the top five in the nation for releases per square mile in metropolitan areas – more than Los Angeles, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Houston.

Though facilities in larger cities reported more waste overall, they were more likely to recover, recycle or treat their waste.

Among the towns with more releases per square mile were Butte-Silver Bow, Montana, where Montana Resources operates an open-pit copper and molybdenum mine, and Juneau, Alaska, where Hecla Mining Company manages the largest silver mine in the country.

And facilities in nearby Elko, Nevada, had more overall disposal and release of toxic chemicals than Salt Lake City, primarily driven by gold mining.

Failures happen but aren’t catastrophic

Though toxic chemicals can cause major damage to the environment and people, the U.S. has “some of the best mine reclamation and management” to prevent that as far as written policies go, Sims said.

“Are they always followed? Most of the time,” he said. “But failures happen.”

If failures do happen, they aren’t likely to be catastrophic — unlike the collapse of an iron-ore tailings dam in Brazil, he said. Sims researched that failure, which killed 272 people , flattened entire villages and caused widespread environmental damage.

But tailings ponds and other methods of containing toxic chemicals can and do have cracks and leaks, Sims said.

Leaks mean water saturated with toxic chemicals leaches into the soil environment and moves downhill through the ground and groundwater, he said – and that can be a big issue if people have wells.

He’s worked with mines in Utah and northern Nevada and said they’re “really run well” and have good environmental and health and safety departments that pay attention to cracks and leaks.

“They haven’t had any bigtime catastrophes,” Sims said, but they do need to make sure they’re monitoring systems correctly.

Part of that includes federal requirements like reporting releases of chemicals in the TRI, which facilities must do for 2023 by July 1, 2024.

Rio Tinto is actively working to reduce releases of TRI-reportable chemicals at the mine and smelter, Champo said.

Efforts include:

Expanded application of dust suppressants and road grading to reduce dust emissions.

Capture of 99.9% of the sulfur during the smelting process after capital investments.

Remediation of historically contaminated soil to specifically sited, engineered and permitted facilities.

Larger payload capacity haul trucks with higher efficiency engines to reduce tailpipe emissions.

Megan Banta is The Salt Lake Tribune’s data enterprise reporter, a philanthropically supported position . The Tribune retains control over all editorial decisions.


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Environmental Concerns in the Modern World Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

There are many environmental concerns faced by human race. These concerns are defined as the environmental problems that directly or indirectly affect human beings. There is need therefore to work on these environmental problems with an aim of reducing their impacts. Climate change is one of the major concern facing human beings globally.

Ozone layer depletion and loss of biodiversity have also negatively affected human race thus calling for strategies to combat these environmental issues. Other environmental concerns are in reverence to land degradation, pollution among others. The following discussion is inclusive of the first three concerns.

Ozone layer depletion occurring at the stratosphere which contains the ozone gas, has led to direct ultra-violet rays reaching the earth surface. Oxygen molecules present in the stratosphere absorbs ultraviolet waves which are harmful.

The depletion of ozone layer occurs when the gas is broken down by increased chlorine compounds in the atmosphere which are man-made and also the bromine compounds. The direct reach of ultraviolet (UV) rays to human beings has increased diseases such skin cancer and eye problems.

There has also been an increase in infectious diseases. Ultra violet rays also causes drying up plants which are the major primary source of food to humans (Díez & Dwivedi, 2008). UV rays affect the aquatic life such as fish which are also source of food to human beings.

Climate change is the change in temperatures either by increase or decrease. The increase of temperature which has led to global warming is the major concern facing human beings on climate change.

Anthropogenic activities are however the major cause of climate change on global warming out of increased deforestation by the increasing population, increased release of fossil fuel and the green house gases such as chlorofluorocarbons which increases green house effect.

The further implications to human beings is the increase in sea levels which causes flooding thus loss of human lives, displacements and loss of properties. There is also decrease in water resources due to changes in evaporation thus lowering the agricultural output. Human beings are then faced by food shortages leading to hunger, nutritional diseases, and deaths.

Loss of biodiversity which is the decrease of species in ecosystems is also among the major concern faced by human race. Human beings are the major cause of loss of biodiversity through habitat destruction such as clearing of forest cover, burning of bush which kills the active micro organisms in the soil, and dumping of wastes in water resources which endanger aquatic life.

Biodiversity promotes better lives to human beings such as: ecosystem services through climate stability a role played by trees, soil formation by micro-organisms.

Loss of biodiversity is also inclusive of decrease of biological resources to human like plants which are source of food and medicines. Sociological benefits are also lost as the biodiversity is used by humans for education, recreation, and cultural values (Díez & Dwivedi, 2008).

In conclusion, human beings are the major contributors of the environmental issues which have raised the concerns. There is however natural factors which have lead to environmental concerns but their impact is too minimal compared to those caused by human beings. Human race is therefore faced with the challenge of reducing the environmental issues.

On climate change, there is need to practice reforestation, use electric, solar and wind energy to replace the fossil fuels thus reducing the green house effect. On ozone layer depletion just like climate change, there is need to reduce the release of carbons such as chlorofluorocarbons.

It is also important for humans to protect the existing species like reducing the dumping of untreated waste in water resources and clearing of forest at the same time opting for better farming methods other than burning (Rourke, 2008).

Díez, J., & Dwivedi, P. (2008). Global Environmental Challenges: Perspectives from the South. New York: Broadview Press.

Rourke, J. T. (2008). International Politics on the World Stage. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

  • Chemistry and Physics of Stratospheric Ozone
  • What we can do to protect Ozone layer
  • Ozone Holes, Their Causes, Effects and Reduction
  • Water Quality Issues in Developing Countries
  • Comparison of Secondary and Tertiary Waste Water Management
  • A Discussion of Air Pollution & Related Health Implications on the Community
  • Effects of the Columbia River Dams on Salmon Population
  • The Effects of the US Army Corp Engineers Lock and Dam System on Recreation
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2018, May 21). Environmental Concerns in the Modern World. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-concerns/

"Environmental Concerns in the Modern World." IvyPanda , 21 May 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-concerns/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Environmental Concerns in the Modern World'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Environmental Concerns in the Modern World." May 21, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-concerns/.

1. IvyPanda . "Environmental Concerns in the Modern World." May 21, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-concerns/.


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Guest Essay

The Struggles of President Biden and the Truth About Aging

President Biden’s silhouette in profile, with a blue hue.

By Rachael Bedard

Dr. Bedard is a physician and writes about medicine and criminal justice.

Last week, President Biden tried to acknowledge and mitigate concerns about his capacity to stay on in the most important job in the world. “I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious,” he said after a disastrous debate against Donald Trump. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to.” But, the president went on, “I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.”

He was asking Americans to see themselves in him and to recognize his debate performance as both an aberration from and a continuation of who he has always been: a person who may suffer and stumble but whose ambition, commitment and confidence in himself have provided a backstop of resilience against insult and injury.

Reporters and Mr. Biden’s biographers have been reflecting over the past week about the severity and nature of his condition and on whether they missed signs or were duped. Americans are suddenly engaged in a speculative conversation about whether the president is physically and mentally fit to lead the country and whether they can trust his self-assessment. What would it mean for a person to “get back up” who also can’t walk, speak or debate with the ease he once did? And how to make sense of his appearance at the debate and the stories that have emerged since about lapses of memory, naps during the day and occasional bouts of confusion?

I’m a geriatrician, a physician whose specialty is the care of older adults. I watched the debate and saw what other viewers saw: a president valiantly trying to stand up for his record and for his nation but who seemed to have declined precipitously since the State of the Union address he gave only a few months earlier.

As a country, we are not having a complete or accurate discussion of age-related debility. I know no specifics — and won’t speculate here — about Mr. Biden’s clinical circumstances. But in the face of so much confused conjecture, I think it’s important to untangle some of the misunderstanding around what age-related decline may portend. Doing so requires understanding a well-characterized but underrecognized concept: clinical frailty.

As we age, everyone accumulates wear and tear, illness and stress. We can all expect to occasionally lose a night’s sleep, struggle with jet lag, catch a virus, trip and fall or experience side effects from medication. But for young and middle-aged people who are not chronically or seriously ill, these types of insults don’t usually change the way we function in the long term. This is not so for frail elders.

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